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Derek DeWolf

Since the first day of shop class in school Derek has always enjoyed woodworking. He has always done his own woodwork and renovations. Derek is always eager to learn and try new things with research and asking questions and learning a great deal over the years. At his main job at Quality Foods Derek has set up many grocery, stores over the years he has built up a great network with like minded tradesmen whom he can call for help or answer quick questions.  In the last few years Derek found a hole for quality handcrafted wood products that you just couldn't find easily. This was the call for an action. Late November in 2018 he decided to renovate his shop and slowly started to buy equipment and tools as needed.  However with such a strong response from the public of his work, within the year he was fully renovated and set up with equipment.

Derek was born in Fort St John but lived in Vernon BC until he was 16 since then he has lived on Vancouver Island for the last 32 years.  In his spare time he used to be a Scuba instructor but now just enjoys recreational diving, with over 2,500 dives under his belt in the last 26 years. Funnily enough, he has to be the only scuba diver who does not eat seafood! Derek says that “I could never leave the Island, such a beautiful place to live and raise a family” These days when he's not at his main job at Quality Foods of 25 years, you can find him in his shop or swinging the clubs.